This is a Notion template about chatbot use cases

Learn how to use chatbots for both personal and business-related purposes with our upcoming Notion template.
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Core use cases for chatbots

Here is a brief list of what you can do with your AI chatbot

Customer Support

Deploy AI customer support agents on your website to assist visitors 24/7/365.

Multilingual Support

Offer customer support and interact with users in over 95 languages, making your services globally accessible.

Sales Assistant

Transform your chatbot into a skilled salesperson to help with customer inquiries and boost sales.

Lead Generation

Capture and qualify leads directly through the chat interface.

Internal Use

Keep your chatbot private for internal communications and operations within your organization.

Onboarding & Training

Use chatbots to streamline the onboarding process and train new employees efficiently.

Content Generation

Generate useful content like emails, social media posts, or blog posts tailored to your business needs.

And more!

There are many additional chatbot use cases for both you and your business.

Get BotCases Notion Template When It's Ready

We are creating a live Notion template for you that includes all current chatbot use cases. We will continue to update it regularly to include future ones as well.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup
AI Powered Chatbots Trained On Your Data — Create a fully automated AI chatbot like ChatGPT to help you or your customers get fast answers about your business with zero coding.
P.S. Get your first chatbot FREE—50 messages/month, no credit card required!
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